Payment Types
Missing payments image
Please select the type of payment that you wish to make. You can add multiple payments if required by repeating this process prior to submitting them for processing.
Animal Registration Renewal
NOTE:For new registration of an animal please go to New Animal
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Dog Registration RenewalDog renewal fees.
Cat Registration RenewalCat renewal fees.
Application Payment
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
ApplicationPayment of Application Fees - NOTE: "Application Key" is required as "Payment Reference"
Debtors Payment
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
DebtorsTo proceed - make sure you have your Debtor's document handy
Infringement Payment
NOTE: Infringements may not be available for payment on line for up to three (3) days from issue date. Unable to pay your Infringement with 28 days from date of issue? – Click here: Application for Instalment

 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Parking Infringement PaymentParking Infringements.
Animal Infringement PaymentAnimal Infringements.
Local Law Infringement Payment (excl animals and parking) Local Law Infringements.
Plumbing and Drainage Infringement PaymentPlumbing and Drainage Infringements.
Building Infringement PaymentBuilding Infringements.
Licencing Payment
NOTE: Licences available for payment are:
Building Subscriptions;
Food Business Licence; Temporary Food Business Licence; Personal Appearance Service Licence; Environmental Authority
Regulated Dog Animal Management Act; Specified Animal Permit; Commercial Use of Roads; Temporary Entertainment/Event Permit
Notifiable Work; Backflow Prevention Device
Trade Waste Approval

 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
LicenceFor all licence payments a Licence Key Payment Reference Number (which is a six digit number), will be quoted on your Council correspondence.
Rates or Water Rates Payment
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Rates or WaterGeneral Rates or Water Consumption payments
Trade Waste Assessment Payment
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Trade WasteTrade Waste charges
Impounded Register - Enter Reference - ANIMPLSC/ with register no
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Impound Register 
Booking Payment
NOTE: For Hall Bookings - Security Bond Refunds will be processed in the 'Payer Name' as entered below
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions